Building a Bolometer Camera Using Geometric Primitives¶
In this demonstration we build a simple bolometer camera using geometric primitives from raysect. The camera itself is a rectangular box, with a rectangular aperture forming the slit. There are 4 bolometer foils inside the box. The slit and foil positions and orientations are defined relative to the camera. Defining a bolometer system in this way is common when working from design drawings.
We use raysect primitives (Box
and CSG operations) to describe the geometry of
the system. A camera geometry should always be present, else there is the risk that
stray light can reach the modelled bolometer foils when it would be blocked by the
camera enclosure in a physical system. Using a realistic camera geometry with a suitable
material (e.g. metal or carbon) will also permit modelling of reflections inside the
camera. In this example we ignore reflections, by making the camera body perfectly
Once the camera is designed, we plot the lines of sight of the system. These are calculated by tracing a ray from the centre of the foil through the centre of the slit, and then determining the intersection point on a distant surface. This is a quick and easy way to check the viewing geometry of the detector, but does not show the full 3D field of view of each foil. For that examine the sensitivity matrix demos.
This example demonstrates building a simple bolometer camera where
the position of the camera itself is known, and the slits and foils
are defined relative to the camera. This could be the case when working
from design office drawings, for example.
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from raysect.core import Point2D, Point3D, Vector3D, Node, rotate_basis, translate
from raysect.primitive import Box, Subtract
from raysect.optical import World
from raysect.optical.material import AbsorbingSurface
from import BolometerCamera, BolometerSlit, BolometerFoil
# Convenient constants
XAXIS = Vector3D(1, 0, 0)
YAXIS = Vector3D(0, 1, 0)
ZAXIS = Vector3D(0, 0, 1)
ORIGIN = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
# Bolometer geometry
BOX_WIDTH = 0.05
SLIT_WIDTH = 0.004
FOIL_WIDTH = 0.0013
FOIL_HEIGHT = 0.0038
FOIL_SEPARATION = 0.00508 # 0.2 inch between foils
world = World()
# Build a simple bolometer camera.
# The camera consists of a box with a rectangular slit and 4 foils.
# In its local coordinate system, the camera's slit is located at the
# origin and the foils below the z=0 plane, looking up towards the slit.
# To position the camera relative to its parent, set the `transform`
# property to produce the correct translation and rotation.
camera_box = Box(lower=Point3D(-BOX_WIDTH / 2, -BOX_HEIGHT / 2, -BOX_DEPTH),
upper=Point3D(BOX_WIDTH / 2, BOX_HEIGHT / 2, 0))
# Hollow out the box
outside_box = Box(lower=camera_box.lower - Vector3D(1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5),
upper=camera_box.upper + Vector3D(1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5))
camera_box = Subtract(outside_box, camera_box)
# The slit is a hole in the box
aperture = Box(lower=Point3D(-SLIT_WIDTH / 2, -SLIT_HEIGHT / 2, -1e-4),
upper=Point3D(SLIT_WIDTH / 2, SLIT_HEIGHT / 2, 1e-4))
camera_box = Subtract(camera_box, aperture)
camera_box.material = AbsorbingSurface()
# Instance of the bolometer camera
bolometer_camera = BolometerCamera(camera_geometry=camera_box, parent=world,
name="Demo camera")
# The bolometer slit in this instance just contains targeting information
# for the ray tracing, since we have already given our camera a geometry
# The slit is defined in the local coordinate system of the camera
slit = BolometerSlit(slit_id="Example slit", centre_point=ORIGIN,
basis_x=XAXIS, dx=SLIT_WIDTH, basis_y=YAXIS, dy=SLIT_HEIGHT,
# 4 bolometer foils, spaced at equal intervals along the local X axis
# The bolometer positions and orientations are given in the local coordinate
# system of the camera, just like the slit. All 4 foils are on a single
# sensor, so we define them relative to this sensor
sensor = Node(name="Bolometer sensor", parent=bolometer_camera,
transform=translate(0, 0, -SLIT_SENSOR_SEPARATION))
# The foils are shifted relative to the centre of the sensor by -1.5, -0.5, 0.5 and 1.5
# times the foil-foil separation
for i, shift in enumerate([-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5]):
foil_transform = translate(shift * FOIL_SEPARATION, 0, 0) * sensor.transform
foil = BolometerFoil(detector_id="Foil {}".format(i + 1),
basis_x=XAXIS.transform(foil_transform), dx=FOIL_WIDTH,
basis_y=YAXIS.transform(foil_transform), dy=FOIL_HEIGHT,
slit=slit, parent=bolometer_camera, units="Power",
accumulate=False, curvature_radius=FOIL_CORNER_CURVATURE)
# The camera is positioned at (x, y, z) = (1, 0, 0.5)m and looking straight down
bolometer_camera.transform = translate(1, 0, 0.5) * rotate_basis(-ZAXIS, YAXIS)
# Show the lines of sight of this camera, tracing them from the foils to
# a plane at z=0.4
Box(lower=Point3D(-10, -10, 0.39), upper=Point3D(10, 10, 0.4), parent=world,
material=AbsorbingSurface(), name="Z=0.4 plane")
def _point3d_to_rz(point):
return Point2D(math.hypot(point.x, point.y), point.z)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for foil in bolometer_camera:
slit_centre = foil.slit.centre_point
slit_centre_rz = _point3d_to_rz(slit_centre)
ax.plot(slit_centre_rz[0], slit_centre_rz[1], 'ko')
origin, hit, _ = foil.trace_sightline()
centre_rz = _point3d_to_rz(foil.centre_point)
ax.plot(centre_rz[0], centre_rz[1], 'kx')
origin_rz = _point3d_to_rz(origin)
hit_rz = _point3d_to_rz(hit)
ax.plot([origin_rz[0], hit_rz[0]], [origin_rz[1], hit_rz[1]], 'k')
Caption The positions of the foils (“x”), the slit (“.”) and the lines of sight for a simple bolometer camera, plotted in the R-Z plane.¶